以禮相待專訪| 英國爺爺回憶親身經歷「我不想留有遺憾,我要說出關於中國的真相」


隨後,我們聯繫到了他,並有幸邀請他來我們節目「Be My Guest」作客。他是一個和藹可親的英國爺爺,也是位真空技術專家。在採訪中,他告訴我們「來中國前,我對中國的認識都是來自於西方媒體,那時候我印象裡的中國非常差。直到1981年,我來到了中國,幾乎去過了中國的每個地方,我感到非常震驚,這根本不是他們所描繪的中國。」


而對於那些恐懼中國、扭曲中國,又或道聽塗說,卻從未去過中國,又或只是跟過旅遊團來到內地,卻沒任何中國朋友的人,特別是香港的年輕人,這位英國爺爺語重心長地建議他們 「請自己去中國看看,親身體驗,親身感受。」


Be My Guest|A British specialist: “I want to have no regrets and speak out the truth about China”

It was right after protesters stormed and ruined HK Legislative Council in July 2019. We accidentally came across a video of a British old man in the blue vest. This foreign face somehow aroused our curiosity because he was among the few foreigners who actually stood against protesters’ violence in front of the camera, and he cried.

In our interview, he told us “before I came to China, I had read a lot of Western News and had a very negative image of China. And then I realized it’s just totally biased.”

If he did not come to China, he probably would never have the opportunity to know the truth about China. Therefore, he wants to speak out the truth and advises young people who have a twisted, distorted image of China, but have never been to China or don’t have any mainland Chinese friends, “Go to China! Look and observe by yourself.”

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