以禮相待 | 俄國戰地紀錄片導演揭露西方謊言

Andre Vltchek是一位來自俄國的哲學家、作家和電影製作人,他畢生致力於揭露西方帝國主義的謊言,並真實記錄下世界各地受苦受難的人民的狀態,試圖找出規律及原因。他出版了20多本書,製作及導演了各種紀錄片,包括最新一部名為《Downfall》的作品,這部心血之作花了長達15年才完成。他還在許多機構、大學及節目中發表演講。




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Be My Guest | A Russian fighter dedicated to exposing lies of Western Imperialism

As a Russian philosopher, writer and filmmaker, Andre Vltchek has dedicated his entire life to exposing the lies of Western Imperialism and showing patterns of human sufferings in different parts of the world. He has published more than 20 books as well as produced and directed various documentary films including the latest one called “Downfall” which took him 15 years to complete. He has also spoken at many institutions, universities and programs.

Andre has been through many war zones and extremely dangerous situations, but he is a fearless fighter. He has been fighting and will continue to fight against what he considers unjustified and unfair.

In a belief that “knowledge brings responsibility,” he considers what he’s doing a calling rather than simply a career. Just as he said, “The truth has to be unveiled. If the West insists, if it keeps pushing, the battles have to be fought. And they will be fought.”

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